Daily Archives: October 5, 2014

Calling Teen Artists

artistDo you like to draw, paint or sculpt? The Teen Department of the Franklin Main Library invites you to join our Teen Artists Club. This club is open to any Williamson County resident, age 12-18, with an interest in the visual arts, including drawing, painting, sculpture and more. To kick off this new club, we’ll be hosting Nashville artist Susan Eaddy and author Julie Hedlund presenting “Turning Words Into Art,” the story of creativity and collaboration behind their new book My Love For You Is the Sun.

Susan Eaddy is an accomplished artist and graphic designer, known for her three-dimensional clay “paintings,” which she then photographs to create unique illustrations. Together she and Julie Hedlund will discuss how they worked together to turn Julie’s beautiful poetic story into an equally stunning book. Combining the skills of sketching, painting, sculpting and photography, nearly every aspect of the visual arts comes into play in this amazing tale.

The Kick-off Event is open to everyone, and will be held downstairs in the Children’s Activity Room in the Children’s Department, this coming Thursday, October 9, at 4 p.m.. We hope to see you there!

About Our Artist:

Susan Eaddy is an award-winning illustrator and art director, who received a Grammy nomination for her CD cover art design (Los Super Seven, 1998), and has created numerous illustrations for children’s books and magazines.

Susan Eaddy; “ One of the reasons I enjoy clay so much is that I don’t really know how to do it.  Each illustration is a discovery process as I study nature and animals and try to figure out how to bring them to life in clay. My finished clay critters live in pizza boxes, and I suspect that they play at night while we slumber.“ (from her website, ClayThings, www.susaneaddy.com.)

About Our Author:

Julie Hedlund left a career in banking to become a full-time children’s author. She began with the award winning storybook apps A Troop is a Group of Monkeys and its sequel A Shiver of Sharks. A Troop is a Group of Monkeys was later published as a hardback picture book. Her latest book is My Love For You is the Sun with artist Susan Eaddy.

Julie Hedlund: “People often ask me why I write for children. I write for children because I want to make their lives better through books. Yes, books educate children, give them adventures, escape, and entertainment. But books also give children hope. And what could be more important and profound than that?” (from her website, http://www.juliehedlund.com)